Dehumidifiers Can Help Relieve Allergy Symptoms | IT Landes
IAQ Tips in Harleysville, PA

Allergies and asthma are common conditions that affect tens of millions of people around the world. Because these illnesses can be triggered by a variety of factors, it can sometimes prove difficult to keep them at bay. Fortunately, there are ways to help alleviate the symptoms. If you or anyone in your household struggles with allergies or asthma, you may want to consider investing in a dehumidifier.

What Is a Dehumidifier?

Simply stated, a dehumidifier works to maintain a proper indoor humidity level. The system works by removing excess moisture from the air. Not only does this help to maintain a certain level of comfort in your home, this seemingly simple process can also serve as a godsend for those suffering from allergies and asthma conditions.

1. Controls Mold Growth

Mold is a fungus that flourishes in damp, wet conditions. It can usually be found within wallpaper, near leaky roofs, in wall insulation, or even on water damaged flooring. Whatever the case may be, uncontrolled mold can wreak havoc on the health and wellness of allergy and asthma sufferers. If you have allergies, you may experience an itchy throat, dry skin, postnasal drip, and excess sneezing. Although these symptoms are quite bothersome, asthma sufferers can experience issues that are even more severe. If you have asthma, mold may trigger shortness of breath, wheezing, or even chest tightness.

As previously mentioned, a dehumidifier helps to solve these issues by lowering air moisture levels. When this occurs, it makes it more difficult for mold to flourish, significantly decreasing the mold spores in your home.

2. Removes Dust Mites

In addition to controlling mold growth, dehumidifiers aid in eliminating dust mites. Dust mites are microscopic insects that boast similarities to spiders and ticks. These tiny pests usually inhabit places like bedding, curtains, and carpeting. In order to grow and thrive, they rely on warm, moist, and humid environments. Dust mite allergies usually appear in the form of nasal congestion, facial pressure, under-eye swelling, a runny nose, and coughing. Similar to mold, asthma symptoms may include breathing difficulties, chest pain, or wheezing. In some cases, a viral infection can worsen these issues.

By decreasing moisture and humidity levels, dust mites won’t be able to maintain and reproduce in excess. Even though you may still have a small number of mites in your home, it likely won’t be enough to cause any significant issues.

3. Provides Summertime Relief

The summertime can prove quite difficult for asthma and allergy sufferers. For asthma patients, in particular, the hot and humid outdoor temperatures can trigger mild or even severe attacks. On the other hand, if you struggle with allergies, the heat can carry higher levels of contaminants. These pollutants, such as pollen, tend to grow exponentially during the spring and summer. Luckily, a dehumidifier can give you some relief. Of course, you won’t be able to carry your dehumidifier with you everywhere you go. However, it can provide you with a great deal of comfort while you are at home.

4. Dehumidifies Your Crawl Space

The crawl space is usually one of the most overlooked areas in your home. Of course, this is understandable, as your crawl space is hidden underneath your floors and is likely empty and unoccupied. With that being said, even though this area may seem insignificant, it can play an essential part in the overall safety and comfort of your home. Believe it or not, upwards of 60% of the air inside your home comes from your crawl space. The air travels upwards, eventually reaching your flooring, subflooring, and HVAC system, before entering into your home and mixing with the existing air flow. This is not an issue in and of itself. However, when this air is excessively warm and moist, it can leave your home infested with contaminants and harmful bacteria. By adding a dehumidifier to your crawl space, you can help to decrease the air moisture, which can greatly improve your home’s air quality.

Signs You May Need a Dehumidifier

There are several signs you should look for to help indicate whether or not you should purchase a dehumidifier for your home:

  • Consistent asthma and allergy issues
  • Moist window panes
  • Musty and stuffy rooms
  • The presence of mold
  • Water stains

Persistent coughs that won’t go away, constant breathing issues, and constant bouts with post-nasal drip, are just a few telltale signs that your indoor air may be causing you harm. Even though some of your allergy and asthma issues may be intrinsic, your home environment could play another major factor. Additionally, condensation on your windows may be a cause for concern. Occasional condensation shouldn’t cause much of an issue. However, if this is a persistent occurrence, the humidity levels in your home may be too high.

Walking around outdoors can expose you to fresh air. You shouldn’t only expect fresh air when you step outside, however. Your home should also provide you with a similar experience. If you notice that your rooms are often musty and stuffy, this could indicate excess moisture or mold. An even easier way to locate mold is by searching for mold stains. Mold can appear in a variety of different forms and colors, including brown, black, orange, green, or even white fuzzy growths.

Not only are water stains unappealing, they can also be a sign of elevated humidity levels. Water stains can often be found on your ceilings. Because the average ceiling is white or light-colored, these brown spots are pretty easy to notice.

How to Choose the Right Dehumidifier

Now that you’ve made the decision to acquire a dehumidifier, it’s important that you choose the system that works best for your home. If you live in a small apartment or home with small rooms, you could benefit from a small, portable device. If you are still interested in a portable system, but your rooms are quite large, a portable large capacity dehumidifier should do you justice. As its name suggests, a whole-house dehumidifier is a built-in system with the ability to dehumidify your entire home simultaneously. If you’re still unsure about which type of dehumidifier best serves your needs, we will gladly assist you during your selection process.

Don’t Disregard Medical Treatments

Please keep in mind that although a dehumidifier can prove extremely helpful in alleviating and preventing allergy and asthma symptoms, you should still seek professional medical assistance to help treat your issues. Although dehumidifiers are trustworthy and effective, they work best when coupled with your prescribed medical treatments.

Give Us a Call Today

If you or a loved one struggles with allergy or asthma, you will likely benefit from the purchase of a dehumidifier. Along with dehumidification systems, we offer heating, cooling, plumbing, and fuel oil services. If you are anywhere in Harleysville, PA or the surrounding areas, call IT Landes today to secure your new dehumidifier or to inquire about our list of services.

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